Monday, July 13, 2009

We all know Moussa is Sarkin Duroba na Konni (the king of drivers) and so it's kind of funny as we drive him around and show him NYC. He swears he knows where things are even after a couple of minutes in a neighborhood. You show him once that Brooklyn or Queens is that way and next time you need to go, he'll tell you which way it is (totally wrong of course!). Ah, Moussa, as he himself says, this is a baban gari ,wallhahi. He is amazed by the number of cars.

Here in NYC, the Fulan Moussa has lost his way. Where is East and where is West? The nomad is lost. Matter of fact, I don't see his Fulani stick. Maybe if he had it he would be able to tell east from west, north from south. I always thought it was amazing that Fulanis could travel thousands of kilometers and not get lost. Now I know that the Fulani stick actually has a compass embedded in it. Wallahi, Fulanis suna da wayo!!!

We are enjoying Moussa being lost, it is a good lost. You need to lose yourself sometimes in order to find yourself again. Moussa is doing a lot of thinking. It is nice that he is seeing a big city but it is also great that he will have a chance to see the daji of America. He sees our lives as very different. He made an interesting comment about life in NYC. As you all know, space is hard to come by in NYC, and damn expensive. He commented how we live very clustered, almost in cage-like structures. Well said from a man who craves space and is used to vast expanse.

Yesterday, at the Bronx Zoo, he had a chance to see a wide range of animals. He enjoyed being at the zoo, which is like one big forest and confirmed that Niamey zoo is a sad place for animals.

Moussa, coming soon to a place near you......

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